Neil Keenan’s Trillion Dollar Lawsuit, part 2
> Link to: The Trillion dollar lawsuit, part 1
Neil Keenan’s lawsuit was initially a claim and request for compensation for the stolen bonds. Now it has become a case about the future of the world. There is something fundamentally wrong and that needs to be rectified. Team-K, a team of experts like: former bankers, financial and legal advisors, assist Keenan in his mission to expose the Cabal (secret ruling elite) and cut off their funds.
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Keenan: “The Cabal has built the financial system and we’re trying to tear it down because it’s just no damn good. Because they wanted to kill 5-6 billion people, out of 7 billion people. We woke up in time.” [1] Benjamin Fulford, investigative journalist and spokesperson for the White Dragon Society (an Asian secret society) verified this. Members of the White Dragon Society eavesdropped on one of the conversations at the Bohemian Grove conference and heard about their plans to start World War III and reduce the world population through a created pandemic (by means of the SARS or Ebola virus). [2] Subsequently Benjamin Fulford suggested that the Asians could stop this insane plan by cutting off their funds, because it could not be executed without Chinese and Japanese money.
Keith Scott (former member of Team-K) confirms this: “If you take the money away from them, you take away their chance to do anything. […] This lawsuit is the key to doing that.” It’s like a key to Pandora’s box that we are going to open. “The world is then going to see what is really going on.” Then people will see that the entire system is corrupt.” [3] Chris Bosnahan (former top banker and now assisting Team-K) about the banking industry: “The amount of corruption… it’s absolutely completely and utterly rotten with corruption. It’s a dangerous machine to stop.” [4]
Black Book of Codes
How corrupt the financial system really is becomes evident now Team-K gained access to the black banking system. Since they got hold of a copy of the Black Book (also called the Book of Codes) they can get access to this black shadow economy, which in size is at least as big as the official world economy.

Chris Bosnahan: “The Black Books got the codes to open the ‘black screens’. […] You have to be a government level or royal family to open up a black screen.” With the codes from the Black Book heads of state and royal families have access to add millions, even billions to their own bank account. The black screens are a high-tech network where all the black money is been kept hidden. Bosnahan: “The Black Books have the full history of every government that has been using leased gold [through the Federal Reserve] from 1934 to today. The Black Book is the key to open everything that can not be argued with and Neil has those books secured. [5]
95% of the money is nothing more than numbers in the computer. Just 5% of the money is physical money. Digital codes provide access to this money and bankers do not want to give up these codes. Through the codes in the Black Book and opening the ‘black screens’ bankers have added ridiculous amounts of trillions of dollars to their accounts; 33 times more than is present as capital in the total world economy. This happened especially when the US went off the gold standard. According to Chris Bosnahan the current monetary system is rotten to the core and can not be repaired.
Now that Team-K has the codes to open these black screens, they can demonstrate that the gold of the Dragon family that was lent to the Federal Reserve Bank and meant for humanitarian purposes, in reality was used for military and industrial purposes. With the Black Book Keenan has a powerful weapon in his possession to prove the corruption of the Cabal.

An indictment against the Bilderberg Group and other secret societies
The Cabal is not one group, but a number of various factions like the Illuminati, the Nazis, the Zionists and Jesuits, that gather in secret societies used to roll out their world agenda. These secret societies are also guilty of stealing large sums of money as becomes evident in an additional claim by Team-K that was filed against all 12 Federal Reserve Banks in the US. [6] Quote: “All persons from several organizations of persons who consider themselves to be the global elite have illegally used these
assets — making fortunes for themselves, or otherwise benefiting from the illegal use of these accounts.
Key among these are members of (but not limited to):
- The Committee of 300
- Skull and Bones Society
- The Bilderberg Society
- The Trilateral Commission
- Council on Foreign Relations”
The hidden agenda of these secret societies like the Bilderberg Group, is to create a world government and total control of their own banking system. Dismantling the current socio-economic structures and destruction of the society as we now know it, are part of this occult agenda.

Murder and bribes
As to no ones surprise, there were several murder attempt on Neil Keenan’s life and his team members. At least one person from Team-K got killed, another survived a staged car accident. [5] Additionally large sums of bribes were offered to Keenan again and again to withdraw himself from the case or sell the Black Book of codes. Amounts of 15 to 20 trillion were offered, even though it’s a mystery how one thinks to pay these amounts. But it doesn’t matter, as Keenan is not interested. This is a battle between good and evil. He will not give up until the Federal Reserve Bank is brought down. After that he will target the European Union & the European Central Bank. Neil Keenan: “We have a bunch of counterfeit notes and we want to be compensated for them. We’re not talking a trillion or two, we’re talking tons. And if they can’t do it, we’ll throw them into bankruptcy. End of European Union, bye bye.” [7]

It is evident that something is at stake in the financial world. This is also illustrated by the large number of suicided bankers since 2013. ‘Suicided’ is a term used for people forced to commit suicide when put under enormous psychological pressure, or being killed where their death appears the be the result of either suicide or a tragic accident. This faith happened to at least 72 bankers. [8] Whether these people had to be eliminated as potential witnesses or if these bankers are in any way related to Neil Keenan’s case is not clear, but it is an indication of major changes in the financial world.
A financial reset and mass-arrests
Neil Keenan’s case will irrevocably lead to a reset of the world wide financial system. Besides this case there are other initiatives to remove the power from the Cabal. Much of the world capital, placed in a Central World Fund, has been used for their own benefit by the Cabal. They played Money Magick by means of computer games and created money based on a gold reserve they in fact had no access to.
In the past years these financial institutes have been heavily infiltrated by White Hats (opponent of the Cabal), whereby certain transactions by the Cabal could no longer go through the system and had their funds confiscated. Thereby the Cabal has lost their access to the Central World Fund. This has caused huge panic among the Cabal. According to Thomas Williams this was also a reason for the 3/11 Fukushima attack and had everything to do with a confiscated banking transaction. [9]
When all secrets will be revealed through the trillion dollar lawsuit: the actual gold reserve, the fraud with the bonds, the financing of wars, the truth behind 9/11, the fraud with the black screens, then the entire system comes crashing down. That’s why a plan for a financial reset was developed.
This plan for the reset goes hand in hand with the plan of the freedom movement in the US and other countries to overthrow the government and restore justice. There is a concrete mass arrest plan that includes hundred thousands of bankers and politicians to be arrested. According to Drake bailey — contact of whistle-blowers within the American military, the Pentagon, CIA and other government agencies, as well as the US Militias — there are sufficient legal grounds to arrest (former) political leaders like Bush and Obama. Neil Keenan is well connected with Drake Bailey to prepare this final death blow. [10]

Reason for optimism: a new Golden Age
During the financial reset the banks will close down for a while. During this time the Cabal’s bank accounts will be frozen. That will also be the end of the debt crisis. According to Benjamin Fulford (former bureau chief of Forbes’ Asia Pacific edition) a financial reset will lead to the blossoming of the economy. He states that there is enough capital to completely solve world poverty and environmental pollution.
Besides the capital in the current world economy, Asia is perched on top of a gold mine. [11] The amount of gold present in Asia is not even closely related to the official gold standard. Most of the gold was never made part of the Federal Reserve and has been deliberately kept off the books.
The exact amount of gold is up for debate, some claim it is 10 times larger, some even claim it is 100 time larger than the official gold reserve. The Dragon family who are the guardians over a large part of this gold reserve, wish to use it through the Global Collateral Accounts for humanitarian purposes, but only after the Cabal is arrested.
It will be a big shock to many people when they realize how much gold there really exist and how this has been systematically plundered from mankind. There is so much gold. And when this gold is being put into the system in a dosed and responsibly fashion, there is enough capital to have 7 billion people live in prosperity. That will be a major paradigm shift. There is no scarcity. And that is perhaps the Cabal’s biggest secret. Because once that sinks into the people’s mind, they will demand their piece of the pie.
> Link to: The Trillion Dollar Lawsuit, part 1
> Link to: Nearing the Moment of Truth, The Plan of mass arrests?
[toggle title=”1 Interview of Neil Keenan during weekly radio show of Drake Bailey and Thomas Williams.” load=”hide”]
Audio fragment around 2:17:55 minutes.
Neil Keenan: “Well you know Drake, they do own the system. They still got all the money. But the bottom line is the money is fake, most of it nowadays. At one time it used to be real. They built the system. And we’re trying to tear it down because it’s just no damn good. Because they wanted to kill 5-6 billion people, out of 7 billion people. We woke up in time. That lawsuit that I filed opened up a lot of eyes and caused a lot of trouble. Wait ’til they see the one we’re going to refile.”[/toggle]
[toggle title=”2 David Wilcock & Benjamin Fulford FULL INTERVIEW 12-02-2011 ” load=”hide”]
[toggle title=”3 2012-05-02 Keith Scott Re Keenan Trillion Dollar Lawsuit on Project Camelot Radio” load=”hide”]
Quotes by Keith Scott’s audio fragment around 1:11:00 min.[/toggle]
[toggle title=”4 Pete Santilli Episode #960 – Neil Keenan – The Interview The Global Elite Never Want You To Hear ” load=”hide”]
Quotes by Chris Bosnahan audio fragment around 1:08:00 min.[/toggle]
[toggle title=”5” load=”hide”]
Quotes by Chris Bosnahan audio fragment around 2:12:00[/toggle]
[toggle title=”6 Pandrecht:” load=”hide”]“In law, a lien is a form of security interest granted over an item of property to secure the payment of a debt or performance of some other obligation.”
Quote from this claim: “All persons from several organizations of persons who consider themselves to be the global elite have illegally used these assets — making fortunes for themselves, or otherwise benefitting from the illegal use of these accounts. Key among these are members of (but not limited to) :
• The Committee of 300
• Skull and Bones Society
• The Bilderberg Society
• The Trilateral Commission
• Council on Foreign Relations
Copy of claim:[/toggle]
[toggle title=”7 Interview of Neil Keenan during weekly radio show of Drake Bailey and Thomas Williams.” load=”hide”]
Audio fragment around 2:13:30 minutes.[/toggle]
[toggle title=”8 72 bankiers suicided:” load=”hide”][/toggle]
[toggle title=”9 Interview Thomas Williams by Open Your Mind Radio. Listen to this audio fragment from 1:23:10 min.” load=”hide”][/toggle]
[toggle title=”10 OffPlanet TV-08-19-15- Drake Bailey & Thomas Williams: The Plan” load=”hide”]
Video fragment about Neil Keenan around ± 1:34:00 minutes.
[toggle title=”11 Article by David Wilcock about Neil Keenan’s lawsuit” load=”hide”]
[toggle title=”12 The link between 9/11, JFK and the Global Collateral Accounts” load=”hide”][/toggle]
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